The Mission

The Mission....

In a rapidly changing culture, woman of all ages are being persuaded to believe they have to be able to do it all. The media emphasizes beauty; economic western culture stresses careers are more important than a woman’s role as both a wife and mother; finally, Satan’s lies are attacking the emotions of women through their painful experiences, addictions, illnesses, unhappy marriages, and guilt.However, the battle has already been won. Every woman has been rescued from the serpent by a Father that adores and cherishes the daughters he loves. From this truth, Safe Haven Family Ministries desires to establish a venue for hurting women to seek out other women who are willing to come along side them and walk with them as they restore their relationship with a Papa who loves and cares about every desire and need they have. Through the mentoring of other women who have had similar life experiences, prayer, and joint exploration of the Bible in relevant life applications, we will walk the road together. Collectively helping to lead woman from any vocation, any family setting, in any stage of life to the realization she has a purpose which is designed to allow her to be sheltered with God’s grace, forgiveness, and experiencing an abundant life. The vision is for this web site to only be the beginning of a God centered outreach. With God’s timing, direction, and leading, the opportunity for personal counseling, group meetings, and expanded web ministry will be provided for all women who seek out to know the truth. Further opportunities for family support to include mentoring for mothers, single women, and teens will one day be established through partnerships with Godly individuals and other ministries.

Safe Haven Family Ministries - Confidante discussions

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Slow, but finally taking steps to get back in the game.

It is good to finally be taking small steps in getting back to making new connections and keeping up with good friends. Taking a different approach to my web pages and blogs for now. Since I am still very much involved with dealing with cancer and medical concerns of my family, I will be sharing those links and quality news articles through the web sites with my web families. Then, when I am able to begin to write again, I will not be so much out of touch with you all. Have a great weekend everyone!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Proverbs 31:28-31 The Message

She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
her husband joins in with words of praise:
"Many women have done wonderful things,
but you've outclassed them all!"
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-GOD.
Give her everything she deserves!
Festoon her life with praises!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!

These past several months have been a real stretcher for our whole family. The holidays seem to be getting harder and harder to stay focused on. Tim continues to fight the cancer while our family enjoys every precious day together. I know Papa is faithful with his love and vision for our lives.

Christmas is a wondrous event of a precious gift of a baby to be a Savior of our world. What a gift of peace knowing everything is in control by a Savior that can destroy death and sin! Therefore, we rest as a family this too shall pass and we will grow stronger and closer with the help of Papa.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

What Cancer can not do...

Cancer is so limited....
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot reduce eternal life
It cannot quench the Spirit
It cannot lessen the POWER OF THE RESURRECTION


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hello again...

Update on Tim’s health, this past week it was confirmed the mass in Tim’s lung is cancer. It was not determined what kind, however, they still want to remove the lung as soon as possible to prevent the spread if it has not already done so. We will finish this week with testing and then will meet with surgeons next week. It has been very hard to get our minds around this and feel overwhelmed at times. I am now pushing myself to start writing again and keep up my reading and praying. I have been most determined to keep from the pity-parties I could be throwing for myself and focused on the treasures I have in my life. Thank you for all your prayers!!! In love from the arms of Papa :-)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome Blog Tour Friends

The day has finally arrived and I am so excited to at last meet you! My name is Christina. I am a wife, mother, sister, grandmother, and a daughter of a King. This web site and blog connections are a dream Papa has placed on my heart for sometime. I have finally taken the step of faith to venture down this road to see where it leads me. Take a walk around and see what you may find. I bet you may reconnect with people you know and maybe meet someone new. You will find your favorite blog or community site easily. If not, drop me a note and we will see where it will lead us. Have a thought or like to share something you have learned? I like to know. If it is something we can post on the blog it may show up. Just be sure to let me know if you want it kept private. I will try to get back with you as soon as I log back on. You see, I work the bat hours and keep watch while you sleep. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

The 2010 Summer Blog tour has been launched by Holly from The Work At Home Woman and Abbey from Living My Moment and is running for 60 days from May 12th to August 4th. I'm happy to be a part of a great way for bloggers like myself to seek out new blogs to read and share their own work with others. So, hello to my visitors today from the 2010 Summer Blog Tour! I've been reading the blogs involved in the tour so far, and although I don't get to them each day, I play catch up and check them each out a few times a week.

Also, if you are a Christian Mom with your own business and want to share information about your business with Christian Moms and Christian Families -- OR if you have an upcoming Christian Concert, Mom Group, Retreats, or Church functions learn about Mommy Resource Bags !! She is currently setting up event dates and filling Mommy Resource Bags with fliers, coupons, and business info from fellow Christian Moms and would love to have you included!

Thank You for stopping by our blog! And don't forget to follow the 2010 Summer Blog Tour every day so you can connect with other great blogs and fun giveaways!!

Our Giveaway until August 8th:

Our giveaway is a new copy of the book, The Shack, written by Paul Young. It is in large print so you can share it with anyone you like. Pass it on or give it away to someone who doesn’t know Papa!

To Enter: Leave a comment with a means for us to contact you! That’s it! EXTRA CHANCES TO WIN!!: (IMPORTANT: leave a comment for EACH task you complete!)

1. Visit our main site and tell us what you think!

2. Follow Us on Twitter: @SafeHavenFM

3. Tweet this on twitter: RT @SafeHavenFM @livingmyMoMent @Holly_Hanna #summerblogtour

4. Follow and/or subscribe to this blog!

5. Become a Facebook fan of Safe Haven Family Ministries

6. Join our community on Blog Frog

7. Friend on Blogger

8. Friend on Network Blog

9. Follow us on Blogged

10. Connect on Linkedin
11. Connect on Myspace